Kellogg: House Committee investigates product recall

Washington / D.C.. (ec) Chairmen Henry A. Waxman and Bart Stupak of the U.S. Committee on Energy and Commerce sent a letter to Kellogg Company President and CEO A.D. David MacKay requesting information regarding the July 25, 2010 recall of 28 million boxes of Kellogg´s cereal products. Waxman and Stupak asked about the company´s safety procedures after The Washington Post reported that Kellogg destroyed «tainted packaging before announcing the recall». The Post also reported that the taint was likely caused by the chemical 2-methylnapthalene, a known carcinogen. In a letter to CEO MacKay, Waxman and Stupak asked the company to produce documents illustrating how it makes its cereal and what precautions it takes to keep 2-methylnapthalene out of its products. They also asked for Kellogg «policies and procedures designed to ensure that its cereal and other food products do not pose a risk to human health». Waxman and Stupak also asked for internal documents about the recall and the company´s subsequent internal investigation. Kellogg has until August 16 to respond.

Info: Chairmen Request Information Regarding Kellogg Recall (PDF; three pages; 1’148 KB) – complete letter of the House Committee to Kellogg Company.