PLMA: World of Private Label 2023 in Amsterdam

Amsterdam / NL. (plma) More than 30,000 professionals from 125 countries, including suppliers, retailers and wholesalers, discovered new products, made new business contacts, shared ideas, and strengthened business relations at PLMA’s «World of Private Label 2023». The show was held at RAI Exhibition Centre Amsterdam, only 15 minutes from Schiphol International Airport.

«The interest from over 2,600 exhibitors and 15,000 registered visitors was tremendous,» said PLMA President Peggy Davies. «We are proud that PLMA’s annual International Private Label Trade Show is the place for new business opportunities in food and non-food categories to be explored and for current partnerships to grow and expand.»

Before diving into the buzz of the trade show and two days of business meetings, pre-show presentations were held. The highlight was a keynote presentation from Arjan Both, Walmart’s Senior Vice President of Food Sourcing. Other presenters were Servé Muijres, Retail Consultant Shopper, GfK Netherlands; and Kayleigh Meister, Analytical Team Lead, NielsenIQ.

On the show floor buyers saw the latest innovations in fresh, frozen and refrigerated foods, dry grocery, and beverages, as well as non-food categories, including cosmetics, health and beauty, household and kitchen, auto aftercare, garden, housewares and DIY, plus much more.

One of the Take-aways from this year’s show: Plant-based solutions in food are growing and offer high quality and interesting flavours also in unusual combinations.