Profile America: One More «National Drive-Thru Day»

Washington / DC. (gov) Last Sunday was National Drive-Thru Day, following closely on National Junk Food Day. But rather than pass judgement, this occasion recognizes the popularity of restaurants that serve customers wanting to keep on the move. The first such service is believed to have been at Red’s Giant Hamburg on Route 66 in Springfield, Missouri, in 1947. The following year, the concept was expanded by the In N Out Burger restaurants in California. At the time, drive-in restaurants were very popular. The serving staff — some even on roller skates — brought food to stationary cars, with the meal set on a tray attached to the car. Today, drive-throughs are a feature of many of the more than 224’000 fast food restaurants in the U.S., which employ over 3.5 million people, and generate more than 185 billion USD in sales each year – according to the U.S. Census Bureau.