Roshen: 250 million USD for a new production complex

Kiev / UA. (rc) International Confectionery Corporation ROSHEN plans to build a new production complex near by Cosyrevka (region Lipetsk, Russia). It is the third productive ground side of Corporation in Russia. The project investments is about 250 million USD. Construction of complex will start in 2011 and will be finished in 2016. Complex to take place on an area about 230’000 square metres and will include a confectionery factory and depot centre.

A factory will be specialized on the production of high-quality chocolate goods. The gross area of main five-storey building of factory is 63’000 square metres, which takes around 40 productive lines. The production capacity of the factory will be 253’000 tonnes per year. The factory will give a job to about 3’500 of people.

The complex will be include a modern depot centre (A class), which gross area will be about 70’000 square metres. The main tasks for this centre are store of the raw material and prepared products for a new confectionery factory, and other ROSHEN factories in Russia.

Until today ROSHEN includes four Ukrainian factories (Kiev, Vinnitsa, Mariupol and Kremenchug), two production sites by Lipetsk confectionery factory Likonf (Russia), Klaipeda confectionery factory (Lithuania) and also butter-milk plant Bershadmoloko and Litynsky Plemzavod, which provides plants corporations with natural high quality raw material.

Based in Kiev (UA), the company is the leader of the national market of confectionery products. Products are represented also in Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Moldova, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the USA, Canada, Germany, Israel and other countries.