Russia: agiotage on food markets to be the speculation

Moscow / RU. (ami) According to Elena Skrynnik, the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, the agiotage, which appeared after the unheard droughts in many Russian regions, is the speculation only.

On August 27, the Minister announced that Russia will completely satisfy the domestic demands with last year grains stocks. The domestic consumption totals 77 to 78 million tonnes, according to the recent data, to date Russia harvested 42 million tonnes. According to the Ministry request, the Russian Federal Statistics Service checked out the data about grains capacities, which are available in the country since the last year. Taking into account the capacities (as of June 01 – 25,8 million tonnes) which the private households have, the general grain volumes total nearly 70 million tonnes.

The Siberia and the Ural regions have just started the harvesting campaign. According to the forecast, these regions will harvest rather good crop volumes, stated the Minister. Vladimir Putin, the Chairman of the Government, announced two crop forecasts – pessimistic, which totals 60 million tonnes, and optimistic – 65 to 67 million tonnes. To date, Russian agrarians walk along the optimistic path, noted Skrynnik.

Buckwheat consumption in Russia totals 515 thousand tonnes per year. In 2009, the country harvested 564 thousand tonnes of the grain, import volumes totaled 1,1 thousand tonnes, the exports – 6,7 thousand tonnes. As of July 01, 2010, buckwheat stocks totaled 43 thousand tonnes. In the current year, the country plans to produce nearly 450 thousand tonnes, according to the estimations of the state experts. So, there is almost no buckwheat deficit in the country, added the Minister (source: