Russia: to forbid exports of wheat, barley, rye …

Moscow / RU. (ami) On August 05, 2010, Vladimir Putin, the Head of the Government of the Russian Federation, signed the Decree #599 dd. August 05, 2010, «On establishment of the temporary embargo for exports of several varieties of agricultural commodities from the territory of the Russian Federation».

According to the document, the Government of the Russian Federation provides the temporary embargo for exports of the following varieties of grains from the territory of the Russian Federation in the period from August 15, 2010, till December 31, 2010: wheat and meslin, barley, rye, maize, wheat or wheat-rye flour.

The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation is directed to inform the countries-participants of the Customs Union, the Committee of the Customs Union about the establishment of the export ban in accordance with the established procedure, and introduce proposals concerning establishment of the same forbidding measures in the countries-participants of the Customs Union for consideration of the Committee of the Customs Union (source: