Semper joins Lantmännen’s program for sustainable agriculture

Stockholm / SE. (lg) Semper AB joins «Climate + Nature» – Lantmännen’s program for Farming of the Future. Together they will create a more sustainable cultivation of oats, wheat and rye in Sweden.

The Baby Food maker is joining «Climate + Nature» this harvest year 2023. The program contains a number of measures and cultivation methods at farm level that reduce climate impact and boost biodiversity. The use of fossil-free mineral fertilisers is a new criterion this year and means that the climate impact from cultivation can be reduced by up to 50 percent for this year’s harvest.

«Our mission is to conserve the goodness of nature, and therefore we don’t take shortcuts. We prepare food for the future’s connoisseurs, our children. After our long collaboration with Lantmännen, we have now chosen to join «Climate + Nature» in order to jointly reduce our climate impact and contribute to more sustainable agriculture,» says Jim Frandsen, CEO of Semper AB.

The cultivation methods within «Climate + Nature» include the use of fossil-free mineral fertiliser, fossil-free fuels and precision cultivation. In addition, biodiversity is boosted by chemical-free seed treatment, flowering zones and skylark plots in the field (unsown plots where skylarks can land to find food).

«We are very happy that Semper is joining the program. Climate and Nature is our tool for driving the transition to a climate-neutral food chain. Partnerships like the one we have with Semper are crucial for us and our customers to be able to offer sustainable products and achieve our climate and sustainability goals,» says Karolina Valdemarsson, Country Managing Director at Lantmännen Cerealia Sweden.

Through contract cultivation, Lantmännen guarantees a market for the grains and the farmer receives a premium for the measures carried out on their own farm. The more companies that join «Climate + Nature», the more farmers can transition to more sustainable cultivation methods.