Starbucks: 100% Fairtrade Certified Beverages

Bonn / DE. (flo) After a successful launch in the United Kingdom, Starbucks stores across Europe began serving 100 percent Fairtrade certified and Starbucks(TM) Shared Planet(TM) verified coffee in all of their espresso-based beverages. Every one of the more than four million customers in the region per week can walk away with a Fairtrade certified Espresso, Cappuccino, or Latte and help support small-scale farmers and their communities in developing countries around the world.

Starbucks is already the world´s largest purchaser of Fairtrade coffee, and the switch to Fairtrade certified espresso in Europe, Middle East and Africa will help contribute to Starbucks total global annual social development premium, estimated at more than 2’600’000 EUR, for small-scale coffee farmers to invest in community projects.

Rob Cameron, CEO of the Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International (FLO): «Starbucks is really setting the pace for the coffee industry by using its global size for good. This move will expand the reach of Fairtrade and deepen its impact on tens of thousands of farmers who are at the very heart of the Fairtrade system. Farmers need Fairtrade now more than ever, and even though these are difficult economic times, people are staying loyal to their ethical values and to Fairtrade. From today they can enjoy Fairtrade values over a cup of their favourite Starbucks coffee».

«In 2009, Starbucks purchased nearly 18 million kilos of Fairtrade certified coffee and reached its goal of doubling its year over year Fairtrade purchases», said Buck Hendrix, president, Starbucks Europe, Middle East and Africa. «Our customers can now enjoy 100 percent Fairtrade Certified espresso everyday and together with us be a catalyst for positive change in coffee-growing communities while continuing to enjoy the great tasting coffee they expect from Starbucks», continued Hendrix.

Starbucks Fairtrade Certified Espresso Roast is sourced largely from Latin America, specifically across Guatemala, Costa Rica and Peru, and it will be these farming communities who benefit most immediately, with other producers set to follow.

Carlos Vargas Leiton, Financial Manager of Coopetarrazú, an organization of 2’600 farmers in Costa Rica, including 457 women who are the sole providers for their families: «We have a long and successful history of trading with Starbucks and welcome its increased collaboration with Fairtrade. We will benefit from guaranteed minimum prices and Fairtrade Premiums so we can plan for the future with more confidence. We will invest in environmental and social programs to improve the wellbeing of our members and communities, such as health and education initiatives to benefit women and farm workers, with a direct impact on more than 50’000 people».

Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International (FLO) has joined Conservation International (CI) and the African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) as partners in the Starbucks(TM) Shared Planet(TM) commitment to ethical sourcing.
In addition to increased purchases, Starbucks and FLO will work with Fairtrade farmers to enhance coffee quality and profitability through improved environmental and agricultural practices, and to specifically expand the number of small-scale farmers producing crops under the ethical coffee buying guidelines for Starbucks(TM) Shared Planet(TM) and the Fairtrade certified system.
Starbucks and Fairtrade contribute to responsible development for marginalized producers, workers and their communities. Moreover, Fairtrade contributes to changes in trade by empowering organized farmers groups.
Integral to the success of this effort are the Starbucks Farmer Support Centers in Costa Rica and Rwanda, as well as the current investments Starbucks is making in programs such as Root Capital, Calvert Fund and Verde Ventures that provide farmers access to credit (flo).