Start-up companies: well positioned at iba 2015

Munich / DE. (ghm) Custom shapes, fonts or characters good enough to eat: At iba 2015, that takes place from 12 to 17 September in Munich (Germany), the Print2Taste GmbH introduces the «world’s first universal plug and play 3D food printer», the Plug + Play Food 3D Printing System «Bocusini». For a long time, the company said, food was considered difficult to print on. This was because the printers developed so far have been limited to individual foods or applications. Until now. With its innovation, the start-up company from Freising managed to make more than 30 natural foods printable in high resolution. The use of easily replaceable food cartridges is also new, as well as a user interface for smartphones and tablets where the user can create their own forms from. Then the printer is loaded with the desired food cartridge (pre-filled or manually filled), and the desired lettering or figures are printed. Currently, the company is preparing the launch of the «Bocusini», the delivery of the first devices are to take place later this year.

Baked goods, weather and Big Data are elements on which the business idea of Meteolytix GmbH is based. By combining and analysing the relationships of buying behaviours, weather influences and many other factors, the company seeks to promote the business of bakers and confectioners but also restaurateurs. After all, Meteolytix GmbH mentions, temperature, sunshine or rainfall impact the customers’ propensity to consume – and who wants to deny that «barbecue weather» lets the sales of certain goods soar? The company has set itself the task of analysing the fluctuations in sales and consumer behaviour that arise due to external factors and then creating custom forecasts for bakeries and confectioneries. Thus, with little effort, planning for every day can be optimized in order to fully exploit sales potential, to reduce returns and to correctly deploy staff.

NJoyCups from Lüdinghausen will also be representing the BMWI. booth. The start-up company sells climate neutral cups and packaging for food and beverages. These can be individually printed using an offset printing process and in photo print quality. Moreover, the company has cups in its portfolio that are up to 100 percent compostable. At iba, NJoyCups will also be presenting their new Cake-To-Go Cups. The special feature of the containers: The cake can be baked directly in them, Joana Zimmermann of NJoyCups explains. «We have developed methods and materials so that it is ensured that the coating does not detach or dissolve during baking. This has been unheard of until now», she says. The cups are certified food-safe and will be on display at iba for the first time ever.

«For young and innovative companies, iba is the perfect platform to present their products or services for the first time», says Dieter Dohr, Management Board Chairman of GHM Gesellschaft für Handwerksmessen mbH. Where else do start-ups have the chance to get feedback from visitors from over 160 countries during a single trade fair?» In addition, Dohr mentions that iba is an ideal opportunity to develop ideas and find new business and business partners. The costs of participating are manageable even for small and medium companies with the funding from BMWI.

Overall, nine companies will introduce themselves at the BMWi stand at iba: Döinghaus cutting and more GmbH + Co. KG, Serve Systems GmbH, Allergenis UG, NJoyCups, Meteolytix GmbH, Klotzki Maschinenbau GmbH, GQ Systems GmbH, S.A:M GmbH + Co. KG and Print2Taste. Visitors can find the joint stand «made in Germany» in hall B3.