TNS: Unveils First Ranking of Growth Potential in Snacks

New York / NY. (tns) Global research consultancy TNS revealed the top twenty snack categories that show the most growth potential among U.S. consumers. The rankings were identified using Growth Point, TNS´s new proprietary, first-of-its kind directional tool that captures unmet needs of consumers and category momentum in the United States. Growth Point generates its rankings from the TNS Consumption Universe, which consists of more than 19’000 consumer interviews and covers 250 food and beverage products.

«Our Growth Point rankings highlight a real opportunity for retailers and manufacturers», says John Essegian, Executive Vice President, TNS. «Being able to identify where consumer needs and the markets are heading before spending any research Dollars not only increases efficiencies and success, but can also greatly accelerate the innovation process». The top twenty snack categories that show the most growth potential are:

Ranking Category Ranking Category
01 Nuts 11 Protein-based sandwiches (chicken/tuna)
02 Greek yoghurt 12 Peanut butter
03 Regular yoghurt 13 Gluten-free bread
04 Health-oriented cereal 14 Guacamole dip
05 Natural | organic crackers 15 Squeezable yoghurt
06 Soft tortillas | wraps | pitas 16 Salsa
07 Dessert-type yoghurt 17 Hot specialty coffee drinks
08 Block | wedge of cheese 18 Iced or frozen coffee
09 Cottage cheese 19 Fruit smoothies
10 String cheese | cheese sticks 20 Tuna from can | pouch

«Our rankings indicate that there are growth opportunities for healthy type snacks like nuts, yoghurt and natural ingredient based snacks. This does not mean there is not room to enjoy more indulgent type items like smoothies and specialty coffee drinks. When we look at protein based snacks – yoghurt, cheeses, and peanut butter – their place in our rankings indicate the emerging importance of protein-dense foods in consumer´s diets», says Essegian. «While our rankings do show a health-oriented skew, it is interesting to note some extremely healthy items like fresh fruits and vegetables, and health bars did not make the top 20 ranking. While convenient for any occasion, these categories do not capture that unique balance of consumer momentum and unmet need. That is the beauty of Growth Point; it provides clear direction for growth, taking the guesswork out of where you should focus your innovation efforts».