TreeHouse Foods: has elected new president

Oak Brook / IL. (thf) TreeHouse Foods Inc. announced that Christopher D. Sliva has been elected President of TreeHouse Foods. Most recently, Sliva served as Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of TreeHouse Foods and President of Bay Valley Foods. In this broadened capacity, Sliva will have operating responsibility for both operating companies – Bay Valley Foods and TreeHouse Private Brands.

«Chris’ contributions over the last four years have both strengthened and advanced our organization and culture», said Sam K. Reed, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of TreeHouse Foods. «I’m proud of the way Chris has led our Company through the operational complexity that is inherent in private label. Because of his leadership and efforts to focus our organization on simplification, our legacy business has delivered gross margin expansion year in, year out».

Reed continued, «Chris has also been the driving force in focusing our organization on the private label fundamentals of customers, categories, consumers and organizational capabilities. As we look forward, it is under Chris’ tutelage that we are designing an organizational structure to deliver on the transformative potential of the TreeHouse promise to our customers».

Sliva joined TreeHouse in July 2012 from Dean Foods where he held various positions during his six year tenure, including Chief Commercial Officer for the Fresh Dairy Direct Business, President and Chief Operating Officer of the Morningstar subsidiary, and Chief Customer Officer for WhiteWave Foods. Prior to that, Sliva held various sales and marketing positions with Eastman Kodak Company, Fort James Corporation and Procter + Gamble Distributing Company. Sliva earned his Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Washington University.