Türkiye: Food processing machinery and equipment industry

Ankara / TR. (igeme) Türkiye is the largest producer and exporter of agricultural products in the Near East and North Africa. Exports of agricultural commodities and food products were valued at 10,8 billion USD in 2008 and accounted about eight percent of Türkiye´s total export earnings – the Expor Promotion Center of Türkiye (IGEME) says.

Strong agricultural potential

Bread being the staple food of Türkiye, cereals are of great importance in Turkish agriculture. In addition, Türkiye has an important place among the major pulse producing countries and has the means of dominating the world trade. Turkish edible nuts and dried fruit production is quite high and dominates the world markets. Türkiye´s vast agricultural potential offers an extensive range of fruits and vegetables which are preserved in a variety of ways. Rapidly growing sectors of Türkiye´s agro industry are frozen / canned and dried fruit and vegetable industry.

Utilizing the advantages of its agricultural potential, Türkiye has an important place among other countries regarding the quantity and quality of its vegetable oil, especially olive oil, production. With the technological advances and increased investments realized in the last years, the milling and pastry, the sugar confectionery, chocolate and cacao products, pasta and biscuits, fishery products, poultry, drinking water, alcoholic beverages are regarded as promising sectors for Turkish agro industry.

Food processing machinery industry most modern in the region

The above mentioned strong agricultural potential and Türkiye´s food industry, changing lifestyles and tastes due to increased industrialization and urbanization, the increase in family income and the decrease in available time for preparing meals, have resulted in a strong food processing sector. Accordingly, a large food processing sector has accelerated the development of the food processing machinery and equipment industry in Türkiye. At present, the Turkish food processing machinery and equipment industry is the most modern in the Middle East, North Africa, Balkans, Baltic and Central Asia.

The Turkish food processing machinery industry produces every kind of machinery and equipment required for food processing industry and most parts and accessories. Flour and grain mill machinery, bakery and pasta making machinery, bakery ovens, industrial machinery for food and drink preparation, machinery for extraction / preparation of fats and oils, machinery for cleaning / sorting / grading seeds and grains, cacao and confectionery machinery, presses and crushers for wine, fruit juice and beverages, pasteurizers and sterilizers, machinery for sugar manufacture, meat and poultry processing machinery, milking machinery, dairy machinery, machinery for the preparation of fruits and vegetables, cream separators and brewery machinery are the main food processing machinery and equipment in Türkiye.

The majority of food processing machinery and equipment manufacturers in Türkiye range from small to medium sized companies mainly located in Istanbul, Konya, Ankara, Izmir and Gaziantep. The line of products manufactured by the companies varies substantially from highly automated equipment to manual and basic models. Moreover, food processing machinery manufacturers are increasingly focusing on research and development in an attempt to comply with the demand for more sophisticated machinery and greater flexibility.

The industry has a remarkable capacity for exports

The food processing machinery and equipment industry has particular importance for Türkiye due to its promising export potential. In this field, manufacturing firms were producing mainly for the domestic market until 1990. After 1990, the sector has directed its attention to foreign markets also.

Recent developments in the demand for packaged food have resulted in a large food packaging sector and a considerable demand for packaging machinery. At present the Turkish packaging machinery sector meets domestic demand and has a remarkable capacity for exports.

The Turkish machinery industry has recorded a substantial increase in exports compared to Türkiye´s overall exports. In 2008 the export value of the machinery industry (H.S. 84) was 10,26 billion USD, showing a 17 percent increase compared with 2006 figures. Its share in total exports was 7,8 percent in 2008.

Food processing is the most promising sub-sector

One of the most promising sub-sectors of the Turkish machinery industry in exports is food processing machinery and equipment. In 2008, the export value of food processing machinery and equipment reached 283 million USD, up 40 percent compared with the year before. Turkish exports of food processing machinery and equipment consists mainly of: machines to mill or work cereals or dried legumes (117 million USD), parts of grain, seed, dry legumes processing equipment (25,5 million USD), bakery machinery and machinery for the manufacture of macaroni, spaghetti or similar products (24,6 million USD), machinery for the extraction or preparation of animal or fixed vegetable fats or oils (20,1 million USD).

Major markets of the industry

Major markets in 2008, in order of rank, are Kazakhstan, Iran, the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Romania, Algeria, Morocco, Libya, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Greece and Bulgaria, most of which are neighbouring countries and have similar agricultural structure and consumption habits. Furthermore. the Turkish food processing machinery and equipment industry also produces high-tech and high-quality machinery in order to meet the demand of developed countries such as Germany and the Netherlands.

Exporters follow international standards

The Turkish food processing manufacturers / exporters follow European and international standards and norms. Companies exporting to the European Union affix the «CE Mark» under the «New Approach» Directives. The obligation to affix the «CE Mark» started in the Turkish domestic market in 2002.

High engineering skills, product flexibility, continuous product development and adaptation, and efficient after-sales-services enable Türkiye to export Turkish made food processing and packaging machinery and equipment all over the world at an increasing rate (source).

Addition: In 2006, the products of the Turkish food processing and packaging machinery industry were exhibited at the World Market of Baking (iba 2006) by 17 companies, organized in Munich, Germany. This year the exhibitor directory of iba 2009 in Dusseldorf counts 20 manufacturers from Türkiye.