Turkmenistan: to set up network of bakeries

Ashgabat / TM. (mstm) The Turkmengallaonumleri association (bread products association) will reconstruct and build 14 bakeries and two elevators in the cities and villages of Turkmenistan by 2012. It is expected that the Turkmenbashi bread-baking plant will be commissioned in 2009. The plant will produce 10’000 tonnes of bread and other farinaceous foods a year. Modern elevators will be built in the grain growing districts of Atamurat and Halach next year.

Two bakeries with the capacity of 14 thousand tonnes a year each will be built in Ashgabat by 2010. They will also have confectionery plants. Five more modern plants will be commissioned in the cities of Tejen, Gumdag, Kuniyaurgench, Bayramali and Magdanly in two to three years. Their annual capacity will range from 2’500 tonnes to 10’000 tonnes. Along with construction of new plants there are plans to carry out major renovation of existing plants, the Turkmengallaonumleri association told Turkmenistan´s «Media-Service-TM».

In 2009, bread-baking plants of Dashoguz, Turkmenabat, Mary, Balkanabat and Bereket will be fully reconstructed. A bakery in Serdar city will be reconstructed in 2010. Reconstruction works will be carried out under a special scheme without disruption of the production cycle. The plants of Dashoguz, Balkanabat and Turkmenabat will turn into production complexes after reconstruction. Along with bread they will also produce macaroni, 1,5 tonnes a year each.

According to Media-Service-TM Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed a special resolution in August. The resolution approved a programme of construction of bakeries in Turkmenistan for 2008 to 2012.