Ukraine: examines grain export quota establishment

Kiev / UA. (ami) The Government of Ukraine postponed examination of the issue of establishment of quotas for grain exports from Ukraine to the following government session on August 25, 2010, declared Sergey Melnik, the First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, on August 18.

As a reminder, on August 17, Nikolay Prysiaghniuk, the Minister of Agrarian Policy, informed that the Government of Ukraine plans to limit grain exports till the end of 2010, in order to satisfy the food safety of the country by quota establishment for grain volume which totals 2,5 million tonnes.

Prysiaghniuk specified that the Government will release extra volumes of one million tonnes of grains for exports, which is already stocked in the ports to date, and maize exports will not be quoted at all.

According to him, the Government offers to establish quotas for barley exports at the level of one million tonnes, wheat 1,5 million tonnes. Besides, the Government will present the additional specifications for milling and feed grain varieties.

The Minister noted that the Government offered to establish quotas from September 01, 2010. He also stated that from the beginning of the current Milling Year (from July 01 to August 16), the country exported 2,69 million tonnes of grains, including 1,2 million tonnes of barley and 1,1 million tonnes of wheat.

The Ministry of Economy of Ukraine promulgated the project of the Cabinet of Ministries Decree «On confirmation of quota volumes for separate varieties of agricultural products, which export trading is subject to licensing till December 31, 2010, and the order of issuance of licenses».

According to the law project, the government will establish quotas for exports of wheat and meslin, spelt at the level of 1,5 million tonnes, barley one million tonnes, rye ten thousand tonnes (source: