Ukraine: Grain export quotas to come into force

Kiev / UA. (ami) The Decree #938 dd. October 04, 2010, about grain export quotas imposition comes in to force in Ukraine. The document was published on October 19, 2010, in the state newspaper «Uriadovyi Courier». According to the document, the Government imposed quotas for exports of wheat and wheat-rye mixture (meslin) at the level of 500’000 tonnes, maize two million tonnes, barley 200’000 tonnes, rye 1’000 tonnes, buckwheat 1’000 tonnes.

According to the order of the license issue for the types of agricultural products, export quotas distribution is carried out on the base of applications, introduced to the Ministry of Economy by the entrepreneur in accordance with the stated form during 15 calendar days after the publishing of information about the beginning of applications registration at the official site of the Ministry of Economy. The entrepreneur introduces the conclusion issued by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, which confirms that the entrepreneur has the agricultural products volume, stated in the application, and that the entrepreneur is able to export the volume. The entrepreneur is also absolutely responsible for the unreliability of the data, stated in the application.

If the documents of the entrepreneur do not come in accordance with the demands of the legislative, the Ministry of Economy disapproves the application. The entrepreneur may introduce the documents once more during the application acceptance term. On its turn the Ministry of Economy during five working days after the finishing of application acceptance introduces them to the Committee in order to consider and take the decision about quotas distribution. The Committee distributes the general quotas volume proportionally to the volumes, stated in the conclusions of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy. Undistributed quotas volume should be repeatedly distributed in the same order.

The decision of the Committee is authorized, if not less than two thirds of its members are present at the meeting and over half of the present at the meeting members vote for acceptance of the decision. If the votes are equal, the Chairman vote is marginal. The Committee decision should be published at the official site of the Ministry of Economy. The Ministry of Economy issues the license taking into account the Committee recommendations, and if the Committee decides to refuse of the license issue, then during seven days after its acceptance the Ministry should send the notification to the entrepreneur in the written form with the ground of the reasons of rejection.

Ports to block grain exports again

According to Ukrainian Grain Association, the authorities of the State Customs Service of Ukraine encharged with a task to stop grain exports again. Now all Ukrainian ports faced another blockade of the vessels loaded with grains. Ukrainian Grain Association estimates the actions as the negative ones. At the same time according to Ukrainian Grain Association. Ukraine does not need any export limitations due to the sufficient grain crop volumes. According to the Association, it is possible to export nearly 15 million tonnes of grains in the current season, but as of to date even the third part of the volumes was not exported.

Previously, Ukrainian Grain Association applied with the open letter to Nikolay Azarov, the Prime-Minister of Ukraine, where the Association stated that they absolutely disagree with the decision to limit grain exports. At the same time, the announcements of Ukrainian Grain Association about grain export limitations by the means of the State Customs Service are not based on the true facts, and are not in accordance with the reality, declared representatives of the Service.

The State Customs Service of Ukraine supports grain exports and there are no any delays of the customs clearance, noted the department, while commenting the announcement of Ukrainian Grain Association about the another one blockade of the vessels loaded with grains, which started in all over the ports of Ukraine. Also, the State Customs Service underlined that they exactly maintain the demands of all regulatory legal acts, which regulate the customs clearance, in particular, regarding grain exports control. The announcement of Ukrainian Grain Association destabilizes the situation on the domestic market of Ukraine and has irresponsible character, explained representatives of the Service (source: