Ukraine: National Bank to keep inflation at the level of 13%

Kiev / UA. (ami) The National Bank of Ukraine plans to assist to keeping of the inflation in the country in 2009 at the maximum level of 13 percent or lower, according to «Plan of additional measures of the National Bank of Ukraine for providing of stability of the monetary unit of Ukraine and the bank system», approved by the decree of the Bank #466 dd. August 06. The Bank plans to assist to growing of the monetary base in 2009 within bounds of the indices, approved by the Foundations of money and credit policy in 2009 (the rates of the monetary base growth – 106 percent). As a reminder, in July 2009, the deflation in Ukraine totaled 0,1 percent compared to June 2009. In July 2009, the inflation totaled 15,5 percent compared to July 2008. During the current year, the inflation totaled 8,5 percent. In January to July period of 2009, the inflation totaled 17, 3 percent compared to the same period of 2008. In December 2008 the inflation processes in Ukraine totaled 22,3 percent compared to December 2007 (source: