USA: one tortilla per American each day

McLean / VA. (tia) The Tortilla Industry Association (TIA) was created in 1990 to serve the emerging tortilla industry, now the fastest growing segment of the baking industry. The «State of the Tortilla Industry Survey: 2000», conducted by Aspex Research, confirms the tortilla´s standing as the fastest growing segment of the United States baking industry. In 2004, U.S. sales at wholesale prices total more than four billion US-Dollar, representing a growth rate of 57 percent over the past four years. Tortillas are the second highest selling product in the packaged bread category, surpassing even the highly popular bagel. Last year (2006), US-Americans consumed a total of seven billion pounds of tortillas, which is the equivalent to approximately 84 billion tortillas or almost one tortilla per American each day. The Tortilla Industry Association (TIA) is a not-for-profit organization. Member companies include tortilla manufacturers, industry suppliers and distributors around the world and companies with interests in the rapidly growing industry. TIA´s aim is to help these companies grow through effective management and marketing techniques in the emerging tortilla industry.